jueves, 30 de junio de 2016

Colonialism: New Zealand´s "Haka"

Haka is a traditional "war dance" of New Zealand´s native Maori people. New Zealand´s All Blacks Rugby team perform this dance before each game in order to intimidate opponents. We have used this dance in our coreographies. Here you have an example.

4º ESO Coreography

lunes, 20 de junio de 2016

Bridges 3º B 2016

This final project is a classic exercise in Technology. We had to build a bridge with a complex electrical and electronic circuit. Interesting and difficult work!
Click on this link and you can watch all the photos.

Stages 2º A 2016

The final project: a stage. Some examples of structures and electrical circuits.
Click on this link and you can watch all the photos.

sábado, 18 de junio de 2016

Inventors and explorers 16

We have finished the integrated unit "The age of inventions and explorations". Our final task was a performance about our character. Here we are some videos from 2º A students